Video Uploader: coupang@YouTube
Senin, 28 Februari 2011
Kim Hyung Jun merilis lagu solo debutnya, "Girl"! + teaster MV Girls
SS501 Kim Hyung Jun merilis lagu solo debutnya, "Girl"!
Lagu ini sebelumnya terungkap selama konser SS501 dan menerima banyak cinta di antara fans. Memang, fans mungkin cinta bahkan lebih ketika mereka menemukan bahwa lagu itu kembali disusun menjadi isyarat rasa syukurnya untuk semua orang yang berdiri di sisinya.
Diproduksi oleh komposer ternama Rado (orang dibalik B2ST’s “Soom” and MBLAQ’s “Stay“), "Girl" berupa irama/ritem pop-dance dengan melodi yang adiktif dengan penuh tekanan dengan suara dewasa Kim Hyung Jun.
Bintang ini juga menggoda penggemar dengan foto seorang wanita cantik di Twitternya, dan fans yang menganggap bahwa itu sebuah petunjuk bahwa gadis itulah yang ditampilkan dalam video musik yang akan datang.
Kita akan memiliki detail lebih lanjut tentang video nya segera, tapi sampai saat itu, check lagu di bawah ini!
SS501’s Kim Hyung Jun released his solo debut track, “Girl“!
The track was previously revealed during SS501 concerts and it received much love amongst fans. Indeed, fans may love it even more when they discover that the song was re-arranged to become his gesture of gratitude for everyone stood by his side.
Produced by hit composer Rado (the man behind B2ST’s “Soom” and MBLAQ’s “Stay“), “Girl” features a pop-dance rhythm with an addictive melody which is tempered by Kim Hyung Jun’s mature voice.
The star also teased fans with a photo of a beautiful lady on his Twitter, and fans are assuming that its a hint of the featured ‘girl’ in his upcoming music video.
We’ll have more details on his video soon, but until then, check out the song below!
Source: allkpop + Indo trans:
video by: mangos0rbet@YouTube + TheFredoommk@YouTube
kim kibum say THANKS untuk kakaknya Hyungjoon
Kibum: "Mereka bilang aku kurang berjiwa musik"
2011 02 25
Baru-baru ini, Kim Kibum, yang meninggalkan grup idola 7-anggota pria U-KISS bersama dengan Alexander, berbicara dan menjelaskan tentang kejadian ini secara pribadi melalui sebuah wawancara eksklusif.
Berita pecah pada tanggal 23 bahwa U-KISS 'Alexander akan meninggalkan kelompok untuk alasan akademis sementara dikatakan bahwa untuk Kim Kibum, ia ingin cenderung bisnis karakter yang dioperasikan bersama dengan saudaranya SS501 Kim Hyung Jun. semenjak itu, cable channel KBS joy [Entertainment Magazine Entertainers] telah mencoba menghubungi Kim Kibum.
Sehubungan dengan masalah ini, Kim Kibum berbicara tentang ini dalam sebuah wawancara eksklusif dengan 'Entertainer', "Badan meminta saya untuk membatalkan kontrak fulltime saya karena mereka merasa saya kurang dalam hal musik. Meskipun Sayang sekali, saya setuju untuk itu dan dengan demikian keluar dan meninggalkan sejak itu", ketika ia menjelaskan alasan konkret di balik itu. "Ada pembicaraan bahwa saya meninggalkan kelompok karena alasan bisnis, tapi tidak seperti itu", tambahnya.
Sehubungan dengan saudaranya Kim Hyung Jun, "Ia sangat sangat marah tapi masih dia memberi saya banyak kekuatan dan menyuruh saya untuk bergembira dan menjadi kuat", karena itu ia menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya kepada saudaranya.
Melalui dan di seluruh wawancara, Kim Kibum secara konsisten tegas dalam pembicaraan-Nya, "Aku akan menjadi Kim Kibum yang akan bekerja lebih keras di masa depan", ia menunjukkan kekuatannya.
Ini akan disiarkan pada tanggal 25 pukul 11:00.
Kibum : "They said I was lacking musically-wise..."
2011 02 25
Recently, Kim Kibum, who left the 7-member male idol group U-KISS along with Alexander, talked and explained about this incident personally through an exclusive interview.
News broke out on 23rd that U-KISS' Alexander was going to leave the group for academic reasons whilst it was said that for Kim Kibum, he wanted to tend to his character business that's operated together with his brother SS501's Kim Hyung Jun. Ever since then, cable channel KBS joy [Entertainment Magazine Entertainers] has tried contacting Kim Kibum.
In relation to this issue, Kim Kibum talked about it in an exclusive interview with 'Entertainers', "The agency requested that I cancel my full time contract because they felt I was lacking in musical terms. Though it was a pity, I agreed to it and thus got out and left since then", as he explained the concrete reason behind it. "There were talks that I left the group because of business reasons, but it's not like that", as he added on.
With regards to his brother Kim Hyung Jun, "He was very extremely angry but still he gave me alot of strength and told me to buck up and be strong", as he delivered his gratitude towards his brother.
Through and throughout the interview, Kim Kibum was consistently resolute in his talks, "I'll become the Kim Kibum who will work harder in future", as he showed his strong will.
This will be aired on 25th at 11PM. + ss501ode + indo trans:
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
solo album detail KIM HYUNG JOON

anggota grup boyband populer korea ss501
Kim HyungJun (maknae)
kegiatan solo Jepang!
Pelopor gelombang panas saat ini adalah K-pop
kelomok idola laki-laki yang memiliki kehormatan popularitas teratas di Jepang
Anggota SS501 Kim HyungJun (maknae)
Penuh antisipasi memutuskan untuk memulai kegiatan solo di Jepang!
Mungkin Anda telah melihat dia di SS501
Silakan mengantisipasi untuk sebuah image baru Kim HyungJun!
Kim Hyung Jun
1 Solo E.P.
2011/03/23 Release!
Movie Disc
¥ 2.940 (termasuk pajak)
[Edisi pertama terbatas khusus]
Pembuatan klip video MV
Musik Disc
CD saja
¥ 2.100 (termasuk pajak)
[Bonus Track]
2 lainnya Utama Judul lagu Jepang
Foto Disc
Gambar CD
¥ 2.100 (termasuk pajak)
[Pertama Edisi Terbatas]
16 set foto elegan
Pre-order di Kim website resmi Jepang HyungJun atau situs web berikut:
Korea popular male idol group SS501 member
Kim HyungJun (Maknae)
Anticipated Japan solo activities!!
The forerunner of current K-pop hot wave
Male Idol Group who own the honour of the top popularity in Japan
SS501 member Kim HyungJun (Maknae)
Full of anticipation decided to start solo activities in Japan!!
Maybe you have seen him in SS501
Please anticipate for a brand new Kim HyungJun!!
Kim Hyung Jun
1st Solo E.P.
2011.3.23 Release!!
Movie Disc
2940 yen (incl tax)
[First limited edition special]
Making of MV video clips
Music Disc
CD only
2100 yen (incl tax)
[Bonus TRack]
2 other Japan Main Title song
Photo Disc
Picture CD
2100 yen (incl tax)
[First Limited Edition]
Luxury 16 piece photo set
Pre-order at Kim HyungJun Japan official website or the following websites:
Chinese translation: 哈娜 @
English translation:
indo trans:
[Pemberitahuan S-Plus] Pre-order Kim HyungJun's solo album [Girl] pada Bugsmusic [2011/02/23]

[Pemberitahuan S-Plus] Pre-order Kim HyungJun's solo album [Girl] pada Bugsmusic [2011/02/23]
Halo ini S-Plus Entertaiment.
Saat ini di bagian 'cmmingsoon' dari Bugsmusic
Kami memiliki pre-order untuk
Solo pertama Kim HyungJun album [Girl] akan dirilis pada 28-Februari
Kami berharap anda dapat merujuk ke sana dan memberikan banyak dukungan untuk album solo pertama Kim HyungJun's.
Berikut adalah link langsung ke bagian comming soon di mana pre-order dari[Girl] adalah.
[S-Plus Notice][2011.02.23] Pre-order Kim HyungJun’s solo album [Girl] on Bugsmusic
Hello This is S-Plus Entertainment.
Currently in the ‘coming soon’ section of Bugsmusic
We are having the pre-order for
Kim HyungJun’s first solo album [Girl] to be released on 28-Feb.
We hope that you can refer to it and give lots of support to Kim HyungJun’s first solo album.
Here is the direct link to the coming soon section where the pre-order of [Girl] is.
Credits : S-plus Ent + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ + Indo trans:
Park jung min mengunjungi lokasi pembuatan MV Kim Hyung Joon

Park jung min mengunjungi lokasi pembuatan MV Kim Hyung Joon
Park Jung Min telah menetapkan untuk mendukung maknae kelompok SS501, Kim Hyung Joon, saat ia mempersiapkan debut solonya bulan depan.
Kim Hyung Joon akan menjadi anggota kedua dari SS501 untuk resmi membuat debut solo. Untuk mendukung sobat dibandnya, Park Jung Min turun ke lokasi MV kim dengan membawa snack di tangannya untuk semua anggota staf.
perwakilan Kim Hyung Joon mengungkapkan, "Melihat mereka berdua sangat penuh kehangatan. Park Jung Min mampu memberikan ledakan energi untuk keduanya, Kim Hyung Joon dan anggota staf, yang semuanya sangat lelah dari malam terakhir shooting. "
bintang akan merilis album solo bulan Maret ini, yang akan diikuti oleh siklus promosi skala besar di Jepang dan sisanya dari Asia.
SS501's Park Jung Min Visits Kim Hyung Jun on His MV Film Set
SS501′s Park Jung Min has set out to support the group’s maknae, Kim Hyung Joon, as he prepares for his solo debut next month.
Kim Hyung Joon will be the second member of SS501 to officially make his solo debut. To cheer on his bandmate, Park Jung Min dropped by Kim’s film set with snacks in hand for the staff members.
Kim Hyung Joon’s representatives revealed, “Seeing the two of them together was very heartwarming. Park Jung Min was able to give a burst of energy to both Kim Hyung Joon and the staff members, who were all very tired from the late night filming.”
The star will release his solo album this March, which will be followed by a large-scale promotion cycle in Japan and the rest of Asia.
Credits: OSEN via Naver + allkpop + indo translate:
Kim Hyun Joong, Jung so min menghadiri promosi siaran Playful Kiss di Fuji TV Jepang

Kim Hyun Joong, Jung so min menghadiri promosi siaran Playful Kiss di Fuji TV Jepang
'Playful Kiss' promosi Jepang kini di tengah-tengah kemajuan.
Untuk memastikan keberhasilan siaran 'Playful Kiss', untuk kedatangan 13 Maret,jam 19:00, Kim Hyun Joong, Jung so Min, Lee Tae Sung disusun untuk hadir di Tokyo NHK Hall untuk premier talk & live .
Untuk acara ini, hanya ada kapasitas untuk 3600 orang yang berpartisipasi, menghasilkan tiket laris untuk dua sesi. Dalam pandangan orang-orang yang tidak bisa mendapatkan tiket, banyak fans telah memutuskan untuk menonton ini di 12 bioskop di Jepang untuk menikmati siaran langsung dan cakupan kinerja.
selain itu, 'Playful Kiss ' DVD yang akan diperjualkan pada 2 Maret setelah menerima pesanan luar suplai yang tersedia untuk edisi pertama, menarik banyak perhatian dari pihak-pihak berkepentingan lokal dan luar negeri.
Perwakilan Group Eight’s Song Byung Jun berkata, "Sama seperti bagaimana awal dari musik secara bertahap akan tumbuh dan perubahan ke arah penyelesaian akhir, drama yang melayani pemirsa di luar negeri, musik, dll akan mengalami perubahan dan revisi. Demikian juga, setelah periode waktu saja, kemajuan untuk 'Playful Kiss' telah datang mengetuk pintu pasar luar negeri. Dalam rangka untuk menangkap hati para pasar luar negeri, strategi lokal untuk pembangunan untuk memenuhi pasar ini adalah hal yang baik. 'Playful Kiss' yang memiliki area yang tersedia untuk kemajuan, dengan demikian banyak antisipasi yang bisa diberikan, Ini kemajuan luar negeri untuk Playful Kiss, dengan tulus juga meminta dukungan banyak dan perhatian yang diberikan kepadanya.
Sementara itu, 'Playful Kiss' akan disiarkan di stasiun siaran di 10 negara lain.
Kim Hyun Joong, Jung So Min to attend Playful Kiss Japan Fuji TV broadcast promotion
‘Playful Kiss’ Japan promotion is now in the midst of progress.
In order to ensure the success of ‘Playful Kiss’ broadcast, for this coming 13th of March, 7PM, Kim Hyun Joong, Jung So Min, Lee Tae Sung are arranged to be present at Tokyo NHK Hall for a premiere talk & live.
For this event, there is only a capacity for 3600 people to participate, resulting in a sellout of tickets for the two sessions. In view of those who are not being able to get the tickets, many fans have decided to watch this at 12 theatres in Japan in order to enjoy the live broadcast and coverage of the performance.
Also,’Playful Kiss’ DVD which will hit the shelves on 2th March has already received orders beyond the available supply for the first edition, drawing much attention from interested parties local and overseas.
Representative of Group Eight’s Song Byung-jun said, “Just like how the start of a musical will gradually grow and change towards the final completion, dramas that cater to overseas viewers, music, etc will undergo changes and revisions. Likewise, after a period of time the course of progress for ‘Playful Kiss’ has come knocking on the doors of the overseas market. In order to capture the hearts of the overseas market, local strategies for development to suit this market is a good thing. ‘Playful Kiss’ which has more areas available for progress, much anticipation can be given.” Thus, these genuine overseas advancement for Playful Kiss have also asked for many support and attention given to it.
Meanwhile, ‘Playful Kiss’ is about to broadcast in broadcasting stations in 10 other countries.
Credits: + Translation: Wonderrrgirl @ + indo trans:
Drama 'Playful Kiss' akan mulai siaran di seluruh Asia

Drama 'Playful Kiss' akan mulai siaran di seluruh Asia
'Playful Kiss' saat ini sedang mempersiapkan untuk mengudara bulan berikutnya pada tanggal 5 Maret di negara berikut: Malaysia, Singapura, dan Jepang pada tanggal 17 Maret di Jepang Fuji TV. Dengan demikian, ini diharapkan untuk memulai lagi gelombang hallyu.
Siaran Sejak awal 'Playful Kiss' di Taiwan pada tanggal 27 Desember, ini telah membuka pasar Asia, sehingga 'Playful Kiss' meraih posisi pemirsa memiliki peringkat teratas terus menerus. di Thailand, Filipina dan lainnya Negara-negara Asia, 'Playful Kiss' telah membentuk peringkat pemirsa tinggi, pernah terlihat di negara-negara sebelumnya.
Pada tanggal 13 Maret, Kim Hyun Joong, Jung Min dan Lee Tae Sung akan membuat sebuah penampilan di Tokyo NHK Hall dalam rangka memenuhi para fans, serta untuk melakukan pertunjukan bagi mereka.
Dengan tiket terjual habis begitu cepat, fans yang tidak berhasil mendapatkan tiket akan dapat menonton siaran langsung acara ini di 12 bioskop Jepang.
'Playful Kiss' adalah yang pertama dalam sejarah untuk merilis edisi khusus, dan yang pertama untuk mencapai audiens global 15 juta. Selain itu, Playful Kiss akan disiarkan di 10 negara Asia lainnya juga.
aku harap indonesia termasuk disalah satunya...T___T
Drama ‘Playful Kiss’ will start its broadcasts throughout Asia
'Playful Kiss' is now preparing to air next month on the 5th of March in the following countries: Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan on the 17th of March on Japan Fuji TV. As such, this is expected to start off another hallyu wave.
Ever since the start of 'Playful Kiss' broadcast in Taiwan on the 27th of December, this has opened up the Asian market, resulting in 'Playful Kiss' grabbing the position of having the top viewership ratings continuously. In Thailand, the Philippines and other Asian countries, 'Playful Kiss' has established high viewership ratings never seen before in these countries.
On the 13th of March, Kim Hyun Joong, Jung so Min and Lee Tae Sung will be making an appearance at Tokyo NHK Hall in order to meet the fans, as well as to perform for them.
With tickets selling out so quickly, fans who are unable to get a ticket will be able to watch the live broadcast of this event in 12 theatres in Japan.
'Playful Kiss' is the first in history to release a special edition, and the first one to achieve a global audience of 15 million. In addition, Playful Kiss will be aired in 10 other Asian countries as well.
I hope Indonesia including of them...T___T
Credits: TV Daily + Translation: Wonderrrgirl @ + indo translate:
Tiket Solo Showcase kim hyung joon, terjual habis Dalam 5 menit, Menampilkan Popularitasnya

Anggota SS501,Tiket Solo Showcase kim hyung joon, terjual habis Dalam 5 menit, Menampilkan Popularitasnya.
Pertama kali keluar dengan album musik solo, Kim Hyung Jun akan memulai kegiatan promosinya pada bulan Maret. showcase Kali ini Kim Hyung Jun tidak hanya ingin para penggemar tahu bahwa ia akan comeback tetapi juga tekadnya untuk maju dalam karir musiknya. Tiket showcaseya terjual habis dalam 5 menit, menunjukkan popularitas Kim Hyung Jun. Tentu saja, sehubungan dengan album barunya, penggemar bersemangat melihat ke depan, mengantisipasi. Perusahaan Kim Hyung Jun mengatakan [Setelah berita tentang Showcase Solo pertama keluar, penggemar di seluruh dunia bersemangat menunggu, untuk pertama kali 2jam selama penjualan tiket, website korea sangat berat. Dan, ketika setelah awal penjualan tiket, sistem mulai berfungsi setelah itu menyebabkan server crash,sehingga tiket tak dapat di jual]
SS501 Member, Kim Hyung Jun Solo Showcase Tickets, Sold Out Within 5mins, Showing His Popularity.
First time coming out with his solo music album, Kim Hyung Jun will be starting his promotions activities in March. This time the showcase is not only Kim Hyung Jun wanting the fans to know that he is coming back but also it is his determination to forge ahead in his music career. His showcase ticket were sold out within 5mins, showing Kim Hyung Jun's popularity. Of course, with regards to his new album, fans are eagerly looking forward, anticipating. Kim Hyung Jun's company said [After the news about the first Solo Showcase is out, fans all over the world are eagerly waiting, for the 1st 2 hours during the ticket sales, the korean website traffic was very heavy. And, when after the start of the ticket sales, the system start to malfunction after which it caused the server to crash, causing the tickets cant be sold.]
Credits: TV Daily + Chinese Trans: 韩星网 + Chinese to English Trans: + Indo trans:

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Aku, HyungJun ada di sini!
Hi everyone! Aku, HyungJun ada di sini
Saya sangat senang karena ini adalah pertama kalinya meninggalkan pesan di homepage.
Meskipun demikian, saya telah membaca pesan yang diposting oleh semua orang sejak pembukaan. ^ ^
Silahkan sering datang mengunjungi homepage resmi Korea. Album saya akan dirilis pada bulan Maret jadi harap tunggu sebentar lagi.
Bonus ~ untuk pesan pertama saya diposting!
Semoga anda tidak terkejut ketika anda melihat photo.TT
Baru-baru ini, sementara bekerja melalui jadwal saya dan mempersiapkan album, dalam rangka untuk menampilkan image yang lebih besar
Aku punya infus vitamin / injeksi pada hari sebelum syuting video musik ^ ^
Berikut adalah bukti saat mendapatkan suntikan vitamin / injeksi!
Aku mencintai semuanya!
I, HyungJun is here!!
Hi everyone! I, HyungJun is here
I am very excited since this is the first time leaving a message in the homepage.
Even so, I have read the messages posted by everyone since the opening.^^
Please come visit this Korea official homepage often. My album will be released in March so please wait for awhile more
Bonus~ for my first message posted!
Hope you are not shocked when you see the photo.T T
Recently, while working through my schedules and preparing for the album, in order to show a greater image
I got a vitamin drip/injection on the day prior to the filming of music video^^
Here is the a proof shot of getting the vitamin drip/injection!!!
I love you everyone!
Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @ + Indo tranlate:
Pak BABY JUN memberi dukungan untuk adiknya ^^

sepertinya kalian sudah banyak yang tahu kalau saudara kita KISS ME sedikit berduka karena keluarnya Kibum dan Alexander dari UKISS...
seperti yang kita ketahui juga kalau KIM KIBUM adalah adik kandung dari KIM HYUNG JOON.
mendengar kabar itu, ternyata Kim Hyung Joon ga tinggal diam.. dia memberi dukungannya pada adiknya.
di twitter dia mengirimkan mention beberapa kali pada kibum yang mengatakan...
"karena semua orang akan tahu kebenarnan, adikku Hwaiiting"
"karena semua orang akan tahu kebenaran, ayo menikmati hidup yang luarbiasa adiku"
"karena ini kehidupan, ini dan itu terjadi, ayo kita tertawa^^ I love you brother"
"Adikku sayang, walaupun itu sulit tapi karena kamu selalu ditemani dengan orang-orang yang baik dan hal-hal yang baik, jadi tidak apa-apa jika Anda tidak terlalu khawatir"
benar-benar sosok kakak yang yang perhatian pada adiknya....^^
BABY JUN give support to his younger brother
it seems you already know a lot if our brother KISS ME a little sad because of the cessation of Kibum and Alexander from UKISS ...
as we know also that Kim Kibum is the younger brother of Kim Hyung Joon.
heard the news, Kim Hyung Joon not stay silent .. he gave his support to his brother.
on twitter he sends mention several times on Kibum as saying ...
"Because everyone will know the truth, my brother Hwaiting"
"Because everyone will know the truth, let's live a wonderful life my brother"
"Because in life, this and that thing do happen, let us laugh it off^^ I love you brother"
"My dear brother, even though it's tough but because you will always be filled with good people and good things, so it's fine if you don't worry too much"
really a older brother figure to his younger brother....^___^
credit: endlish and indo translate by + Tweet translate: xiaochu @
Pembukaan dari melo-drama (PIANISSIMO). misteri yang sebelumnya disebut "superstar"

Pembukaan dari melo-drama (PIANISSIMO). misteri yang sebelumnya disebut "superstar"
Sebuah produksi dengan delapan direktur populer, dibintangi lebih dari 30 bintang K-wave dengan topik: "Super Star" pada poster publisitas, akhirnya dinyatakan sebagai melo-drama "pianissimo" yang membangkitkan diskusi hangat.
Drama yang membuat penggemar asian bersemangat "pianissimo" yang memancarkan "Come & Goes in Silence" sebagai tema untuk semua cerita cinta yang berbeda. Drama dengan total 8 episode (Black City, Never Ending Love, Happy Fiction, Love is You, Neddlestick down Grape Prince (slam10: sorry, don't really how to translate this so I literally translate it), Mobius, Magic Hour and Meet), yang menampilkan bintang Hallyu dan direktur kreatif yang terkenal untuk elemen-elemen drama-melo.
Drama termasuk anggota SS501 Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Hyung Jun, Park Jung Min, penyanyi Moon Hee Jun, Son Ho Young, Nam Gyu-ri, Tei, Bae Seul Ki, Seo Ji Young, mantan anggota Baby VOX Shim Eun Jin, Kim EZ, Kong Hyun Joo, Hong Jong Oh, Park Ki Ung, Lee Tae Sung, Hong Soo Hyun, Choi Won Jun dll diwakili oleh 30 lebih dari bintang-bintang Korea. Karena mereka memiliki penyanyi berpartisipasi, bertindak dalam drama ini untuk 1 kali, sehingga Anda akan mendapatkan perasaan yang berbeda ketika menonton drama ini.
Baru-baru ini, dalam sebuah penyanyi pendatang baru, Eiki, mmusic mv "Tearing", mereka menggunakan adegan-adegan dari SS501 Kim Hyung Jun, Son Ho Young dan Bae Seul Ki [Black City] yang menyebabkan suatu topik.
Terutama dengan Artis Musik K-wave berakting dalam melo drama ini diperkirakan memecahkan sterotypes drama televisi di saat yang sama menghasutK-wave lain. Program ini dijadwalkan bertemu fans awal 2011.
The Unveiling Of Melo-drama {PIANISSIMO}. Mystery Which Was Called "Super Star" Previously
A production by eight popular directors, starring over 30 K-wave stars with the topic: "Super Star" on publicity posters, is finally revealed as melo-drama "PIANISSIMO" which aroused heated discussions.
The drama which is making the asian fans excited "PIANISSIMO" which exudes "Come & Goes in Silence" as a theme for all the different love stories. The drama with a total of 8 episodes (Black City, Never Ending Love, Happy Fiction, Love is You, Neddlestick down Grape Prince (slam10: sorry, don't really how to translate this so I literally translate it), Mobius, Magic Hour and Meet), which are presented by the Hallyu stars and famous creative directors for the elements of the melo-drama.
The drama includes SS501 members Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Hyung Jun, Park Jung Min, singer Moon Hee Jun, Son Ho Young, Nam Gyu-ri, Tei, Bae Seul Ki, Seo Ji Young, Ex-member of Baby V.OX Shim Eun Jin, Kim EZ, Kong Hyun Joo, Hong Jong Oh, Park Ki Ung, Lee Tae Sung, Hong Soo Hyun, Won Jun Choi etc represented by 30 over korean stars. As they have singers participating, acting in this drama for the 1st time, so you will get a different feeling when watching this drama.
Recently, in a newcomer singer, Eiki, music mv "Tearing", they used the scenes from SS501 Kim Hyung Jun, Son Ho Young and Bae Seul Ki [Black City] which caused a topic.
Mainly with K-wave Music Artist acting in this Melo-drama estimated to break television drama's sterotypes at the same time inciting another K-wave. The programme is scheduled to meet fans early 2011.
Source: newsdaily
Credit: 피오나 @PJMIFC
Chinese to English Translation:
indo translate:
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
Boys tweet convo translation on 24 February 2011
Credits : xiaochu @
indo trans:
2011-02-24 @ 6:13pm
@2kjdream 네형 ㅎㅎ 볼링도치고 맛난것도 먹어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Yes hyung heehee Go bowling and eat delicious stuffs too kekekekeke
@2kjdream Ya hyung heehee pergi bowling dan makan enak juga hehehehehe
2011-02-24 @ 5:48pm
@2kjdream 생일축하합니다|~~~빰빠레~~~~^^ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Happy Birthday|~~~ Bbambbarae~~~~^^keke
@2kjdream selamat ulang tahun |~~~ Bbambbarae~~~~^^keke
2011-02-24 @ 4:47pm
@WarrenBONBOO ㅎㅎ 함께하나요오~?^^ 사무실로놀러가야하는데!! ㅎㅎ
@WarrenBONBOO heehee Shall we (eat) together~?^^ I should go visit you at your office!! heehee
@WarrenBONBO heehee haruskah kita makan bersama~?^^ aku harusnya mengunjungimu di kantor!! heehee
2011-02-24 @ 3:32pm
@2kjdream @joker891219 규종아 준형아... 맛있는건 여럿이 먹어야 더 맛있을거 같애... ㅋ
@2kjdream @joker891219 KyuJong-ah JunHyung-ah... delicious things taste even better when eaten with many others... ke
@2kjdream @joker891219 kyuJong-ah junhyung-ah.... akan terasa lebih enak kalau memakannya dengan orang
2011-02-24 @ 3:08pm
@HyungJun87 쭌~~뭐 먹고싶은거있어????^0^*
@HyungJun87 Jjun~~ Is there anything you want to eat????^0^*
@HyungJun87 Jjun~~ apakah ada yang ingin kamu makan??????^0^*
2011-02-24 @ 2:57pm
@2kjdream I'm great thank you! I wish I was there with you guys to celebrate! I gotta go to Korea sometime soon.
@2kjdream Aku mengucapkan terimakasih banyak! aku harap aku ada dengan mu teman untuk merayakannya! Aku akan pergi ke keroa suatu saat nanti
2011-02-24 @ 2:53pm
@skullhong ㅎㅎ 고마워!! 언제든 고맙지~~ 시간이뭐가중요해 ㅎㅎ 우리언제보나~ 볼링배워야하는데~~ 볼링맨!!!
@skullhong heehee thanks!! I'm thankful anytime~~ Timing is not of importance heehee When are we meeting~ I must learn to bowl~~ Bowling man!!!
@skullhong heehee thanks!!! Aku sangat berterima kasih~~~ waktu bukanlah yang terpenting heehee kapan kita bertemu~ aku harus belajar main bowling~~ bowling man!!!
2011-02-24 @ 2:52pm
@seanalexander23 thank u sean!!! so cute !! ~How r u today!~this weekend i'll meet steven and my friends~ invite you to Korea !!
@seanalexander23 terima kasih sean!! sangat lucu!! ~bagaimana kabarmu hari ini!~akhir pekan ini aku bertemu steven dan temanku~ mengundangmu ke korea!!
2011-02-24 @ 2:42pm
규종이형생일축하해요^^ 문자는 새벽에보냇으니까 트위터는 좀 늦어도 되는거죠??ㅋㅋ
KyuJong hyung happy birthday^^ Because I sent you a text message in the (wee hours of) morning so it's fine that I'm alittle late in twitter right??keke
KyuJong hyung selamat ulang tahu^^ karena aku mengirimkan sms di pagi hari (jam 12), jadi tak apa-apa aku telat di twitter kan?? keke
2011-02-24 @ 2:38pm
@2kjdream HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :)
2011-02-24 @ 1:40pm
@Joker891219 고마워!!!!!!^^ 조만간!!맛있는거먹으러가자구우우~~ 오늘날씨너무좋다~~~
@Joker891219 Thanks!!!!!!^^ Soon!! Let's go and eat something delicious~~ today's weather is very good~~~
@Joker89121 Thanks!!!! ^^ segera!! ayo pergi dan makan sesuatu yang enak~~cuaca hari ini sangat bagus~~~
2011-02-24 @ 1:07pm
규종이형 생일 축하드려요!!!!!
KyuJong hyung happy birthday!!!!!
2011-02-24 @ 12:10am
참!!! 오늘2월24일은 B2M 우리회사 길종화대표님의 생신(형은 자꾸 아직 생일이라 하시지만...) 생신입니다~ ㅎ 형~~축하드려요 !! !!!~
Well!! Today 24-Feb is our B2M Representative Gil JongHwa's birthday* (even though hyung kept saying it's still called birthday...) It's birthday*~hee Hyung~~ Happy birthday !! !!!~
*XiaoChu: Kyu used honorific form for birthday (생신). And so the representative is asking them not to use honorific form (생신) indicating he's not that old yet. We usually use honorific form for birthday for elders and parents
Nah! Hari ini 24-Februari adalah ulang tahun Perwakilan B2M Gil JongHwa's kami (meskipun hyung terus mengatakan itu masih disebut ulang tahun ...) * ulang tahun Ini hee Hyung ~ ~ ~ Selamat ulang tahun! ! ~
* XiaoChu: Kyu digunakan bentuk kehormatan untuk ulang tahun (생신). Dan perwakilan tersebut meminta mereka untuk tidak menggunakan formulir kehormatan (생신) menunjukkan ia belum setua itu . Kami biasanya menggunakan formulir kehormatan untuk ulang tahun untuk orang yang lebih tua dan orang tua
2011-02-24 @ 12:06pm
@eunjinsocial 아이쿠 ㅎㅎ 한번만 봐주세요오오오!!!^^ 오늘 날씨 너무좋네요~~ ㅎㅎ
@eunjinsocial Aigoo heehee Let me go for once!!!^^ Today's weather is very good~~heehee
@eunjinsocial Aigoo heehee biarkan aku pergi sekali!!!^^ cuaca hari ini sangat bagus~~heehee
2011-02-24 @ 11:01am
@2kjdream 생일인데 생일빵 맞아야되는거 아냐?ㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream It's your birthday, shouldn't you be smashed with birthday cake? kekeke
@2kjdream ini ulang tahunmu, tidak seharusnya kamu menghancurkan kue ulangtahun? kekeke
2011-02-24 @ 10:57am
아이쿠우우 한국에계신 팬분들 그리고 해외에계신 팬분들 감사합니다! 한분한분 고맙단 인사 못해드려서 죄송한마음뿐입니다 .. 정말감사합니다. 정말!!고마워요!!^^
Aigooo Thank you fans in Korea and overseas fans! I only have apologies that I am not able to thank you one by one .. Thank you very much. Really!! Thanks!!^^
Aigooo Terima kasih penggemar di Korea dan fans luar negeri! Saya hanya punya permintaan maaf bahwa saya tidak bisa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda satu per satu .. Terima kasih sangat banyak. Sungguh! Terima kasih! ^ ^!

2011-02-24 @ 10:29am
정말정말정말...!!감사합니다..^^ 맛있는 미역국 냠냠..!! 오늘은 2 월 24 일이래요!!!!!!!~~~
Really really really...!! Thank you..^^ Delicious seaweed soup* yum yum..!! Today is 24-February!!!!!!!~~~
*XiaoChu: They drink seaweed soup on birthdays!
2011-02-24 @ 3:17am
@2kjdream 언능자라 ㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Quickly go sleep kekeke
@2kjdream cepat tidur kkekeke
2011-02-24 @ 3:05am
@2kjdream 그니깐~!!빨리보자궁~~^^
@2kjdream That's why~!! Let's meet soon~~^^
@2kjdream itulah kanapa~!! ayo segera bertemu~~^^
2011-02-24 @ 2:45am
@HyungJun87 엇갈리는 전화 ㅡㅡ; @2kjdream 생일 축하해 규종!!
@HyungJun87 Missing your calls - - ; @2kjdream Happy Birthday KyuJong!!
@HyungJun87 kehilangan teleponmu- -;@2kjdream selamat ulang tahu kyu jong
2/24/11 1:44 AM
@2kjdream 규종이 생일이였구나..생일 축하해..올핸 연기도 앨범도 모두 대박나자^^
@2kjdream So it's KyuJong's birthday.. Happy Birthday.. Hope your acting and album will all be a big success this year^^
@2kjdream jadi ini ulang tahun kyu jong..happy birhtday... semoga aktingmu dan album akan sukses tahun ini^^
2011-02-24 @ 2:42am
사랑하는 유리 규종이의 생일 진심으로 축하해요!!
My dear KyuJong, sincerely wishing you a happy birthday!!
2011-02-24 @ 2:41am
@HyungJun87 오잉 오늘은 라디오 생방 아녀?
@HyungJun87 Oing there is no live radio broadcast today?
@HyungJun8 oing tidak ada siaran radio langsung hari ini?
2011-02-24 @ 2:34am
@HyungJun87 지금 잘꺼야!!ㅎ 잘자구!! 낼 콜미~~^^
@HyungJun87 I am going to sleep now!! hee I said I'm sleeping!! Call me tmr~~^^
@HyungJun8 Aku pergi tidur sekarang!!hee aku bilang aku mengantuk!! telepon aku besok~~^^
2011-02-24 @ 2:17am
@2kjdream 해피벌쓰데이 규종, 사랑한다 어여들어가!
@2kjdream Happy Birthday KyuJong, I love you, quickly go back!
2011-02-24 @ 1:41am
@WarrenBONBOO 맨 브로~~ 형^^ 사무실로 놀러갈거에요!! 아시죠?! ㅎㅎ
@WarrenBONBOO Man Bro~~ Hyung^^ I will go visit at your office!! You know right?! heehee
@WarrenBONBOO Man Broo~~Hyung^^ aku menemuimu dikantormu!! kau tahu itu?! heehee
2011-02-24 @ 1:41am
@eunjinsocial 누나아아~~ 우리 맛있는거 먹으러가야죠!!!!^^ ㅎㅎ 시간 너무빨라요 ㅠ 벌써 곧 3월!! ㅎ
@eunjinsocial Noonaaa~~ We must go and have something delicious!!!!^^ heehee Time really passes fast ㅠ Already coming to March!! hee
@eunjinsocial noonaaa~~ kita harus pergi dan mendapatkan sesuatu yang enak!!! ^^ heehee waktu berlalu begitu cepat TT sudah mau maret !! hee
2011-02-24 @ 1:40am
@mjjoo0326 고마워요^^ 우우 언제나 화이팅!!! ㅎㅎ
@mjjoo0326 Thanks^^ Woowoo always hwaiting!!! heehehee
2011-02-24 @ 1:39am
@JungMin0403 말민!! 고마어 ㅎㅎ 아이고 ㅠ !! 전화통화가자꾸길어져 이제 답하네 ㅎㅎ 언능보자아아아!! 커피한잔의여유 가지자구!! ㅎ
@JungMin0403 Mal Min!! Thanks heehee Aigo ㅠ !! Our telephone convo always got on too long, so answer now heehee Let's meet soonnn!! Let's spare some time for a cup of coffee!! hee
@JungMin0403 Mal Min!! thanks heehee Aigoo TT!! pembicaraan telepon kita selalu menghabiskan waktu yang lama, so jawab sekarang heehee ayo ketemuan!! kita luangkan waktu untuk secangkir kopi!! hee
2011-02-24 @ 1:25am
엇!!규종이 생일이구나!생축!!RT @JungMin0403: 생일축하합니다!! 생일축하합니당~~! 사랑하는 규종이!! 생일축하합니다!!^^ 올해 서로서로 열심히해서 다들 놀랠만큼 대박내자!! 싸랑한다~!
Uh!! So it's KyuJong's birthday!Happy birthday!!RT @JungMin0403: Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday~~! My dearest KyuJong!! Happy Birthday!!^^ This year, let each and everyone of us work hard and have a huge success that will urprise others!! I love you~!
2011-02-24 @ 1:14am
@2kjdream 에이맨! 해피버쓰데이투유. 만땅 투유!~~~~
@2kjdream Ae man! Happy Birthday to you. Tanked up to you!~~~~
*XiaoChu: not too sure what he meant by tanked-up
2011-02-24 @ 12:49am
규종아~~생일축하해!! 꺄올~ 잇다가 노래불러줘야지 생일축하합니다~생일축하합니다~
KyuJong-ah~~Happy Birthday!! KkyaOl~ Later I should sing you a song, Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~
2011-02-24 @ 12:41am
@90KKB 진실은 다들 알아줄꺼니까, 내동생 화이팅
@90KKB Because everyone will know the truth, my brother Hwaiting
@90KKB karena semua orang akan tahu kebenarnan, adikku Hwaiiting
2011-02-24 @ 12:40am
진실은 다들 알아줄꺼니까, 멋지게살자 내동생
Because everyone will know the truth, let's live a wonderful life my brother
karena semua orang akan tahu kebenaran, ayo menikmati hidup yang luarbiasa adiku
2011-02-24 @ 12:39am
@90KKB 살다보면 이런일 저런일 다있는거니까, 웃자우리^^ 사랑한다 동생
@90KKB Because in life, this and that thing do happen, let us laugh it off^^ I love you brother
@90KKB karena ini kehidupan, ini dan itu terjadi, ayo kita tertawa^^ I love you brother
2011-02-24 @ 12:38am
@90KKB 사랑하는 내동생아, 힘들겠지만 항상 너에겐 좋은사람들 좋은일들만 가득할거니까 걱정하지 않아도돼,
@90KKB My dear brother, even though it's tough but because you will always be filled with good people and good things, so it's fine if you don't worry too much,
@90KKB Adikku sayang, walaupun itu sulit tapi karena kamu selalu ditemani dengan orang-orang yang baik dan hal-hal yang baik, jadi tidak apa-apa jika Anda tidak terlalu khawatir,
2011-02-24 @ 12:34am
생일축하합니다!! 생일축하합니당~~! 사랑하는 규종이!! 생일축하합니다!!^^ 올해 서로서로 열심히해서 다들 놀랠만큼 대박내자!! 싸랑한다~!
Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday~~! My dearest KyuJong!! Happy Birthday!!^^ This year, let each and everyone of us work hard and have a huge success that will urprise others!! I love you~!
Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday~~! My dearest KyuJong!! Happy Birthday!!^^ Tahun ini, biarkan setiap orang dari kita bekerja keras dan memiliki sukses besar yang akan mengejutkan orang lain! Aku mencintaimu ~!

2011-02-24 @ 1:25am
엇!!규종이 생일이구나!생축!!RT @JungMin0403: 생일축하합니다!! 생일축하합니당~~! 사랑하는 규종이!! 생일축하합니다!!^^ 올해 서로서로 열심히해서 다들 놀랠만큼 대박내자!! 싸랑한다~!
Uh!! So it's KyuJong's birthday!Happy birthday!!RT @JungMin0403: Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday~~! My dearest KyuJong!! Happy Birthday!!^^ This year, let each and everyone of us work hard and have a huge success that will urprise others!! I love you~!
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