Senin, 22 November 2010

PAk baby, kim hyung joon dapet hadiah dari fans... "Ah~ very happy"

SS501 Kim HyungJun penuh dengan kebahagiaan karena cinta fansnya.

Pada tanggal 20 HyungJun menyebutkan dalam twitter: "Mendapatkan makan malam lezat ^ ^ Ah, sangat bahagia", juga dilampirkan foto ini.

Dalam foto itu, 'aku ♥ HyungJun' dicetak di atas kotak bento.

Banyak penggemar telah meninggalkan pesan online: "seiring berjalannya waktu, lebih dan lebih terlihat mempesona", "I love you ^^", "So cute so cute~~(*^0^*)/ Apa itu enak??", "apakah ini hal yang begitu lembut keke sangat lucu >_<>_< to bad can't eat it".


Kim Hyung Jun whom received gift from fans: "Ah~ very happy"

SS501 Kim HyungJun was full with happiness because of the love of his fans.

On 20th HyungJun mentioned in twitter: "Have a delicious dinner^^ Ah, very happy", also attached this photograph.

In the photograph, 'I ♥ HyungJun' was printed on top of the bento box.

A lot of fans has left message online: "As the time goes, getting more and more charming", "I love you ^^", "So cute so cute~~(*^0^*)/ Is it delicious??", "What is this so delicate thing keke very cute >_< to bad can't eat it".

Korean to Chinese Translation: candyç›› @
Chinese to English translation:
indo trans:

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