Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

pak Rt di basic house

Aktris Yoon Eunhye dan Kim hyun joong berubah menjadi pasangan lucu kampus. Keduanya ditampilkan mode sekolah dengan tampilan kasual yang jauh populer di musim gugur ini melalui merek fashion Dasar F DPR / W photoshot.

Baru-baru ini dalam photoshot mereka, mereka telah shooting dengan sangat bersemangat sampai mereka puas dengan hasil yang telah menerima pujian staf bahwa mereka adalah "memang pro" di hal ini.

Dibandingkan dengan musim sebelumnya, photoshot kali ini adalah lebih alami karena keduanya berbagi pembicaraan sedikit di antara shooting dan tempat sekitar di sana-sini untuk pose, di tengah shooting yang menyenangkan, pembicaraan seperti "tampak seperti pasangan nyata" bahkan bisa mendengar.

Dengan rasa khas fashion dan yang berubah menjadi wanna be generasi baru - Yoon Eunhye terlihat mengenakan pakaian mulai dari kaos tshirts M2M ke checker dan memamerkan kecantikan dari kakinya dengan kombinasi celana pendek dan kaus kaki lutut, sehingga sempurna menggambarkan nya fashionista status tanpa pemesanan.

Sementara untuk Kim HyunJoong, ia mengeluarkan perasaan kesederhanaan dengan t-shirts M2M dipakai serta pakaian denim berwarna gelap, dan tidak lupa item representatif seperti syal dan topi dll untuk menambahkan pada kekokohan dari pakaian dia pakai, dan dengan itu, HyunJoong sehingga menampilkan fashion sense nya melalui gambaran gaya dari tampilan sekolah yang sederhana.
photoshot dilakkan pada tanggal 27 juli 2010 kemarin

English translate:
Actress Yoon Eunhye and Kim HyunJoong transformed into cute campus couple. Both of them displayed the casual fashion school look that is much popular in this Fall through fashion brand Basic House's F/W pictorial shoot.

Recently in their pictorial shoot, they had been shooting eagerly right until they were satisfied with the results, which has earned the praises of staff that they are "indeed pros" at it.

Compared to the previous season, this time's pictorial shoot was more natural as both of them share little talks in between shoots and place arms here and there for poses, amidst the enjoyable shooting, talks such as "looking like a real couple" could even be heard.

With a peculiar sense of fashion and who turns into the wannabe of the new generation -- Yoon Eunhye is seen to be wearing apparels ranging from m2m tshirts to checker shirts and flaunting off her leg beauty with combination of shorts and knee socks, thus perfectly portraying her fashionista status without reservations.

Whilst for Kim HyunJoong, he gives off a simplicity feeling with m2m tshirts worn as well as dark-colored denim clothings, and not forgetting representative items like scarfs and hats etc to add on the solidity of the apparels he's wearing, and with that, HyunJoong thus displays his fashion sense through a stylish portrayal of his simple school look.
these pictorials are shot July 27, 2010

credit: ode,

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