Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

No other group of mutual respect, and trust one another as SS501

Credits : + (Chinese Translation) redcat111 @ + (English Translation) xiaochu @

No other group of mutual respect, and trust one another as they

Once when they went to Japan for the BOF activities, photos KyuJong passport tucked HyunJoong
Minho Lee fan asked "HyunJoong Oppa, why do you save the image KyuJong Oppa?"
"To see if I miss him / them ^ ^"
They are always together, but always missed each other ... ..
Here they are ... .. ^ ^

MBC PD says:

"Almost no other group of mutual respect and trust each other as SS501.
They respect each other without realizing it.
They even went to the toilet five ^ ^ '

SS501 Manager says:
"Call them out on the mobile phone is their only-they just ...."
They were always together ....

And the first thing they say if the meeting is,
each other jokingly said "You miss me?"

JungMin every morning joking with HyungJoon "Bobo (kiss)", and will HyungJoon "CHU ~"
They always think that no sense ... ....
But to me, they are very sweet ^ ^

What does not make sense?
Rumors about them are not familiar?
501 live together like this ^ ^
Your relationship is very good and very happy to see you guys get along
SS501 with love

Tidak ada grup lain yang saling menghargai dan percaya satu sama lain seperti mereka

Pernah ketika mereka pergi ke Jepang untuk kegiatan BOF, foto KyuJong diselipkan di paspornya HyunJoong
Fan Lee MinHo bertanya “HyunJoong oppa, kenapa kau menyimpan foto KyuJong oppa?”
“Untuk dilihat jika aku kangen dia/mereka ^^”
Mereka selalu bersama, tapi selalu saling merindukan…..
Beginilah mereka…..^^

PD MBC mengatakan :

“Hampir tidak ada grup lain yang saling menghargai dan saling percaya satu sama lain seperti SS501.
Mereka saling menghargai satu sama lain tanpa disadari.
Bahkan mereka pergi ke toilet berlima ^^”

Manajer SS501 mengatakan :
“Panggilan keluar di handphone mereka hanya ada mereka-mereka saja….”
Mereka selalu bersama….

Dan hal pertama yang mereka katakan jika bertemu adalah,
saling mengatakan dengan bercanda “Kalian kangen aku?”

JungMin setiap pagi bercanda dengan HyungJoon “Bobo (cium)”, dan HyungJoon akan “CHU~”
Mereka selalu berpikiran yang tidak masuk akal…….
Tapi bagiku, mereka sangat manis ^^

Apa yang tidak masuk akal?
Rumor tentang mereka tidak akrab?
501 hidup bersama seperti ini ^^
Hubungan kalian sangat baik dan sangat bahagia melihat kalian rukun
SS501 with love ♥♥


so sweeeeeeeetttt x)
ga salah kita milih suami ya ibu-ibu ..
hhehehhehe ..

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