Pada 5 Agustus, Departemen Kesetaraan Gender dan Familycame dengan daftar empat lagu lagi yang dilarang dengan alasan menjadi "media berbahaya bagi pemuda."
Video musik untuk TVXQ "Before U Go", Kim Hyun Joong "Silakan", Hommeyang "Still Eating Well", dan "Tonight" DJ DOC ditambahkan ke daftarlarangan baru. Seperti dengan larangan sebelumnya, penalaran terletak padapenyebutan alkohol dan lain konten berbahaya ', serta penggunaan kekerasan.
Kim Hyun Joong "Please" dilarang untuk dua baris yang mengatakan, "Karena aku mabuk" dan "Antara penyebaran asap rokok."
Video musik untuk "Before U Go" dilarang karena takut mempromosikan kekerasan dan perjudian. Perwakilan dari SM Entertainment menukas, "Kami telah mengajukan bahan untuk membantah keputusan mereka."
Seperti sebelumnya mengungkapkan, album berisi lagu-lagu dilarang tidak tersedia untuk dijual ke anak-anak di bawah usia 19 dan tidak dapat dimainkan di radio atau TV sebelum pukul 10 malam.
English translate :
On August 5th, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Familycame out with a list of four more songs that were banned on grounds of being ‘harmful media to the youth.’
The music video for TVXQ’s “Before U Go“, Kim Hyun Joong’s “Please“, Homme’s “Still Eating Well“, and DJ DOC’s “Tonight” were added to the list of the new bans. As with previous bans, the reasoning lies in the mentioning of alcohol and other ‘hazardous content’, as well as the use of violence.
Kim Hyun Joong’s “Please” was banned for two lines that said, “Because I’m drunk” and “Between the spread of the cigarette smoke.”
The music video for “Before U Go” was banned for fear of promoting violence and gambling. Representatives of SM Entertainment retorted, “We have submitted material to refute their decision.”
As previously revealed, albums containing banned songs are not available for sale to minors under the age of 19 and cannot be played on raido or TV before 10 PM.
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