Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Heo Young Saeng Mengakui "berkencan Dengan seorang artis Wanita Setelah Debut"

Heo Young Saeng Mengakui "berkencan Dengan seorang artis Wanita Setelah Debut"

Penyanyi Solo Heo Young Saeng mengaku tentang hubungan masa lalunya.

Heo Young Saeng pada siaran Mnet "BEATLES CODE" pada 30 Jun, mengatakan selama segmen Parallel Theory.

Fokus pada memori masa lalu Heo Young Saeng. Ketika MC bertanya tentang cinta pertamanya, Heo Young Saeng sangat terang dan terbuka mengatakan, " cinta pertama selama 1 tahun di sekolah tinggi dan cinta ke-2 itu selama tahun 2 di sekolah tinggi." Tapi MC keras kepala terus melanjutkan pertanyaan, Heo Young Saeng menjawab, "jadi cintamu belum berhenti, bagaimana dengan cinta ke3, kapan itu?" "Setelah itu berhenti, tapi setelah saya debut saya bertemu cinta ke3 saya. ""dengan yang lain dan seorang artis." Jadi MC mengunakansmart phone-nya untuk mencari "Heo Young Saeng" setelah Hyuna dan Park Joo Hyun muncul di mesin pencari.

"Beatles Code" memang dalam mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan langsung blak-blakan. MC bertanya, "Apakah Hyuna tidak terlalu muda?" Dengan ini, Heo Young Saeng menjelaskan, "Hyuna mungkin karena menampilkan di album saya, sedangkan Park Joo Hyun masuk ke perusahaan kami."

Setelah itu, Heo Young Saeng akhirnya menceritakan semuanya. MC mengatakan, Heo Young Saeng menjawab acuh tak acuh, "Jadi kau berkencan." "Ya, yang di masa lalu." Dengan ini, MC juga mengatakan, "Saya dulu seperti manajer saya karena aku menemukan dia sangat lucu."

Heo Young Saeng baru-baru ini merilis album solonya "LET IT GO" yang sangat populer dan dia aktif terlibat dalam banyak kegiatan yang berbeda.


Solo Singer Heo Young Saeng admitted about his past relationships.

Heo Young Saeng on the broadcast of Mnet "BEATLES CODE" on 30 Jun, told during the segment of Parallel Theory.

Focus is on Heo Young Saeng's past memory. When the MC asked about his 1st love, Heo Young Saeng was very frank and open saying, "1st love was during year 1 in high school and 2nd love was during year 2 in high school." But the MC stubbornly continued, Heo Young Saeng straight forward reply, "So you are the kind that your love not stopping, what about the 3rd love, when was it?"" After that it stopped, but after I debut I met my 3rd love." "The other party is an artiste." Thus the MC used his smart phone to search for "Heo Young Saeng" after which HyunA and Park Joo Hyun appeared on the search engines.

"Beatles Code" is indeed in asking straight forward questions. The MC asked, "Isn't HyunA too young?" With this, Heo Young Saeng explained, "HyunA is probably due to her featuring in my album, whereas Park Joo Hyun just entered into our company."

After which, Heo Young Saeng finally told everything out. The MC said, Heo Young Saeng answered indifferently, "So you did dated." "Yes, that was in the past." With this, the MC also said, "I used to like my manager cos I find her very cute."

Heo Young Saeng recently released his solo album "LET IT GO" which is very popular and he is actively engaged in a lot of different activities.

Source: Sportseoul.com
Chinese Trans: 0317@BD HYS BAR
English Trans: http://cllslam10.blogspot.com
indo trans: rtss501.blogspot.com

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