Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Pak RT Kim Hyun Joong nonton Park jung min di TV

sudah lama kita tidak mendengar berita tentang leader setelah ia sibuk mempersiapkan album solonya. pada tanggal 5 maret yang lalu ia keluar untuk makan di Jaksal Chicken dan dia menonton Tv disana...
acara apakah itu?
itu adalah M Super Concert dimana Park jung min tampil disana.
Kita tak perlu meragukan lagi, leader pasti akan selalu mendukung memeber yang lain dengan caranya sendiri.
dia tak perlu menunjukkan kepada orang banyak...
tapi kita akan tahu betapa ia sangat mencintai mereka.

selain itu Kim hyun joong juga menghadiri pernikahan bersama junsu
pernikahan siapa? aku tak tahu ^^


have been long time we do not know the news about the leader after he was busy preparing his solo album. on 5th March , he went out to eat at Jaksal Chicken and there he was watching TV ...
What the show?
It is M Super Concert where Park jung min appear there.
We need not doubt, the leader will always support the other member by his own way.
he did not need to show to the crowd ...
but we will know how much he loved them.

besides that Kim hyun joong also attended the wedding along with Junsu.
whose wedding party?
I don't know ^^

Credits: iamsom@Twitter + as tagged + english and indo trans:

1 komentar:

  1. hyun oppa,sallu care ma dongsaeng-dongsaengnya..bangga!!
    itulah leader yang baik
