Park Jung Min kembali sebagai artis solo. Setelah mengakhiri kontrak dengan agen mereka sebelumnya, setiap anggota pindah ke instansi yang berbeda, dan dia adalah org pertama dari 5 anggota yg comeback secara solo. Judul lagu solonya adalah 'Not Alone', yang berarti bahwa dia tidak sendirian.
Bahkan, seharusnya Park JungMin comeback akhir November tahun lalu. Karena tiba-tiba kasus YeonPyeong- melakukan insiden, album ini tertunda selama hampir 2 bulan.
Namun, ekspresi Park JungMin tetap cerah. "Ketika peristiwa itu terjadi, saya berada di Jepang. Setelah mendengar berita sedih luar negeri, saya pikir saya merasakan perasaan campuran lebih dari orang lain. Terus terang, saya benar-benar hilang awalnya. Tapi akhirnya, saya berpikir bahwa ini bukan saatnya untuk merilis album dan saya membuat keputusan. Sebagai hasilnya, tampaknya seperti itu adalah keputusan yang bijaksana. "
Teaser video 'Not Alone' telah dirilis pada pertengahan November. Video teaser termasuk gay, dan outcastes lain dalam masyarakat. Menjadi diakui sebagai anggota SS501 dan sebagai penyanyi idola, video teaser Park JungMin itu dilengkapi dengan pesan sosial yang serius dan berat, yang segera akan menjadi topik panas.
"Ini adalah wajar bagi seorang penyanyi yang tidak musik populer untuk menyanyikan lagu cinta. Tapi sekarang, hanya karena aku tidak ingin menyanyikan lagu-lagu cinta sederhana. Bahkan jika bukan tentang pesan sosial, saya masih ingin mengisi album saya dengan sesuatu dari arti yang berbeda. Saya berharap untuk mengisi album bersama-sama dengan image saya sebagai penyanyi solo juga.
Musik-bijaksana, kedahsyatan dan retro sedang disajikan pada waktu yang sama. Suara orkestrasi mengagumkan dalam pendahuluan dan mengalahkan yang kuat dari sumber elektronik di seluruh seluruh lagu, membuat sebuah perasaan yg tak menentu. Pembangunan melodi juga sama dan suara elektronik secara keseluruhan sedang diminimalkan, sehingga agak berbeda dari tren hari ini. Perasaan umunya adalah bahwa itu adalah perpanjangan dari SS501 dan baik-baik saja bahkan lebih besar dari itu.
"Terus terang saya berpikir sangat keras tentang jenis musik yg saya pilih. Mengapa saya telah memilih 'Not Alone' adalah karena saya yakin bahwa saya bisa tetap setia pada lagu ini dari judul lagu-lagu lain yang potensial diberikan. Jika seorang penyanyi tidak 100% tersentuh oleh lagu tersebut, maka masyarakat tidak akan tergerak oleh lagu ini, saya belajar dari pengalaman. Saya tidak dapat menyangkal bahwa masih ada jejak musik SS501 seperti itu adalah apa yang saya lakukan sampai sekarang. "
Tentu saja, SS501 bukan segalanya. Lagu kedua 'Do You Know?' dan 'My day is Christmas everyday' menunjukkan gaya yang berbeda suara band yang sudah ada sebelumnya. 'Do You Know' adalah rock ballad, 'My day is Christmas everyday' adalah sebuah lagu bossanova pertengahan tempo. Park JungMin tertawa dan berkata "Karena itu adalah awal sekarang, jadi bukan waktunya untuk menemukan gaya saya sendiri?" Bahkan, Park JungMin memiliki kinerja semua band-di solo pertama fanmeeting nya Jepang di Osaka dan Tokyo pada 22 Dec & 23-Desember
Park Jung Min mengatakan bahwa dia tidak memiliki beban besar atau memiliki berat ketika sedang sendirian. "Saya pikir saya mungkin mendapat perhatian lebih karena saya yang pertama di antara 5 anggota (untuk merilis album). Hasil kegiatan saya akan dapat merangsang anggota lain. Itu sebabnya saya ingin lebih rileks dan mulai. Saya hanya berharap bahwa kami dapat menampilkan setiap kemampuan dan bakat kita di wilayah kita sendiri. Saya pasti akan bekerja keras agar tidak menjadi aib SS501. "

SS501 adalah salah satu grup idola terbaik. Namun tidak perlu berlama-lama di masa lalu yang berjaya. 7 tahun debut mereka, bukan untuk pegangan catatan masa lalu Park JungMin musisi solo yang hampir berumur 25 tahun, dia pasti akan menandai sejarah bahkan lebih di masa depan.
eng trans:
Park JungMin is back as a solo artiste. After ending contract with their previous agency, each member moved to different agencies, and he is the first out of the 5 members to make a solo comeback. Solo title song is called ‘Not Alone’, meaning that he is not alone.
In fact, Park JungMin’s comeback was supposed to be end-November last year. Due to the sudden case of YeonPyeong-do incident, the album was delayed for almost 2 months.
However, Park JungMin’s expression remains bright. “When the incident happened, I was in Japan. Having to hear this sad news overseas, I think I felt the mixed feeling more than anyone else. Frankly speaking, I was really lost initially. But finally, I thought that this was not the time to release an album and I made up my mind. As a result, it seems like it is a wise decision.”
Teaser video of ‘Not Alone’ had already been released in mid-November. The teaser video includes gay, and other outcastes in the society. Being recognised as a member of SS501 and as an idol singer, Park JungMin’s teaser video was completed with serious and heavy social message, which will soon become a hot topic.
“It is natural for a singer who does popular music to sing love song. But now, simply because I don’t want to sing simple love songs. Even if it is not about social messages, I still want to fill my album with something of different meanings. I hope to fill the album together with my current image as a soloist too.
In fact, ‘Not Alone’ which Park JungMin played a part in writing the lyrics, is a song that has lyrics which can be interpreted into different meanings. It can be interpreted as the desperate feeling towards a loved one, or it can also be interpreted as embracing someone who has been outcaste in the society. But more than anything else, the lyrics can also be interpreted to signify Park JungMin’s new start as a solo musician and not as one of the five members during SS501 days.
Musically-wise, the awesomeness and retro are being expressed at the same time. The awesome orchestration sound in the introduction and the powerful beat of electronic source throughout the whole song, makes a feeling of determination. The melody construction is also the same and the electronic sounds are overall being minimised, making it somewhat different from the trend these days. The general feel to this is that it is an extension of SS501 and it is fine even to be greater than that.
“Frankly speaking I thought very hard about which type of music I should choose. Why I’ve chosen ‘Not Alone’ is because I am convinced that I am able to stay true to this song than those other potential title songs given. If a singer cannot be 100% touched by the song, then the public will not be moved by the song, this I learnt it from experience. I can’t deny that there are still traces of SS501’s music as that was what I’ve done till now.”
Of course, SS501 is not everything. Second track ‘Do you know?’ and ‘My day is Christmas everyday’ show a different style of pre-existing band sound. ‘Do you know?’ is rock ballad, ‘My day is Christmas everyday’ is a mid-tempo bossanova song. Park JungMin laughed and said “Because it is the beginning now, so isn’t it the time to find my own style?” In fact, Park JungMin had an all-band performance at his first solo Japan fanmeeting in Osaka and Tokyo on 22-Dec & 23-Dec.
Park JungMin said that he doesn’t have huge burden or holds the weight when being alone. “I think I probably get even more attention since I am the first among the 5 members (to release an album). The outcome of my activities will be able to stimulate the other members. That is why I want to relax more and start. I only hope that we are able to display each of our capability and talents in our own territory. I will definitely work hard in order not to be a disgrace that I was SS501.”
SS501 was one of the best idol groups around. However there is no need to linger on the glorious past. 7th year into their debut, rather than for the barely 25 years old solo musician Park JungMin to hold the records of his past, he will definately mark even more histories in the future.
credit: + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ + + (indo trans)
eng trans:
Park JungMin is back as a solo artiste. After ending contract with their previous agency, each member moved to different agencies, and he is the first out of the 5 members to make a solo comeback. Solo title song is called ‘Not Alone’, meaning that he is not alone.
In fact, Park JungMin’s comeback was supposed to be end-November last year. Due to the sudden case of YeonPyeong-do incident, the album was delayed for almost 2 months.
However, Park JungMin’s expression remains bright. “When the incident happened, I was in Japan. Having to hear this sad news overseas, I think I felt the mixed feeling more than anyone else. Frankly speaking, I was really lost initially. But finally, I thought that this was not the time to release an album and I made up my mind. As a result, it seems like it is a wise decision.”
Teaser video of ‘Not Alone’ had already been released in mid-November. The teaser video includes gay, and other outcastes in the society. Being recognised as a member of SS501 and as an idol singer, Park JungMin’s teaser video was completed with serious and heavy social message, which will soon become a hot topic.
“It is natural for a singer who does popular music to sing love song. But now, simply because I don’t want to sing simple love songs. Even if it is not about social messages, I still want to fill my album with something of different meanings. I hope to fill the album together with my current image as a soloist too.
In fact, ‘Not Alone’ which Park JungMin played a part in writing the lyrics, is a song that has lyrics which can be interpreted into different meanings. It can be interpreted as the desperate feeling towards a loved one, or it can also be interpreted as embracing someone who has been outcaste in the society. But more than anything else, the lyrics can also be interpreted to signify Park JungMin’s new start as a solo musician and not as one of the five members during SS501 days.
Musically-wise, the awesomeness and retro are being expressed at the same time. The awesome orchestration sound in the introduction and the powerful beat of electronic source throughout the whole song, makes a feeling of determination. The melody construction is also the same and the electronic sounds are overall being minimised, making it somewhat different from the trend these days. The general feel to this is that it is an extension of SS501 and it is fine even to be greater than that.
“Frankly speaking I thought very hard about which type of music I should choose. Why I’ve chosen ‘Not Alone’ is because I am convinced that I am able to stay true to this song than those other potential title songs given. If a singer cannot be 100% touched by the song, then the public will not be moved by the song, this I learnt it from experience. I can’t deny that there are still traces of SS501’s music as that was what I’ve done till now.”
Of course, SS501 is not everything. Second track ‘Do you know?’ and ‘My day is Christmas everyday’ show a different style of pre-existing band sound. ‘Do you know?’ is rock ballad, ‘My day is Christmas everyday’ is a mid-tempo bossanova song. Park JungMin laughed and said “Because it is the beginning now, so isn’t it the time to find my own style?” In fact, Park JungMin had an all-band performance at his first solo Japan fanmeeting in Osaka and Tokyo on 22-Dec & 23-Dec.
Park JungMin said that he doesn’t have huge burden or holds the weight when being alone. “I think I probably get even more attention since I am the first among the 5 members (to release an album). The outcome of my activities will be able to stimulate the other members. That is why I want to relax more and start. I only hope that we are able to display each of our capability and talents in our own territory. I will definitely work hard in order not to be a disgrace that I was SS501.”
SS501 was one of the best idol groups around. However there is no need to linger on the glorious past. 7th year into their debut, rather than for the barely 25 years old solo musician Park JungMin to hold the records of his past, he will definately mark even more histories in the future.
credit: + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ + + (indo trans)
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