Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Park Jung Min di Jepang Untuk Merilis Photobook dan Sign Meeting [22/12/2010]

Park Jung Min SS501 mengadakan acara fan signing yang merayakan penerbitan photobook "Present" di Jepang.

Badan agensi CNR Media, pada tanggal 22 mengungkapkan, "Pada tanggal 21 pukul 17:00, Park Jung Min pergi ke Tokyo, Shinjuku untuk penerbitan dan perayaan photobook. Pada hari ini, dari pukul 13:00, demi melihat Park Jung Min, ada lebih dari 400 penggemar ". Di internet, pra-order pada edisi pertama dari 5000 copi terjual.

Photobook Park Jung Min diambil oleh Hosono Shinji yang juga mengambil foto untuk photobook dari Hirosue Ryoko dan Miyazaki Aoi dan semacamnya.

Park Jung Min telah merencanakan untuk pergi ke Osaka dan Tokyo pada tanggal 22 dan 23 (masing-masing) untuk fanmeetingnya.


[2010.12.22] Park Jung Min in Japan for photobook release and launch sign meeting

SS501's Park Jung Min held a fan signing event that celebrated the publication of the photobook "Present" in Japan.

The agency of affair's CNR Media, on the 22nd revealed, "On the 21st at 5pm, Park Jung Min went to Tokyo, Shinjuku for the publication and the commemoration of the photobook. On this day, from 1pm, for the sake of seeing Park Jung Min, there were more than 400 fans". On the internet, the pre-orders on the first edition of 5000 copies was all sold.

Park Jung Min's photobook was taken by Hosono Shinji who also took photos for the photobooks of Hirosue Ryoko and Miyazaki Aoi and such.

Park Jung Min has planned to go to Osaka and Tokyo on 22nd and 23rd (respectively) for his fanmeetings.

Credits: Ktnews + English translations by saylalala@quainte501.com + Indonesian translation by rtss501.blogspot.com
Please credit properly reposting

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