Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Kim hyun joong dan Bae yong jun sukses debutpanggung bersama ^^

Pencetus Bintang Hallyu Bae Yong Joon dan "Little Yon-sama" Kim Hyun Joong panggung bersama pertama telah berhasil. 30.000 penggemar dari seluruh penjuru Asia bersorak pada gerakan Bae Yong Joon dan bertepuk tangan dengan murah hati pada senyum Kim Hyun Joong.

Pada tanggal 14 pada 18:00, Bae Yong Joon dan Kim Hyun Joong membuat penampilan pertama mereka di depan penggemar Jepang melalui DATV Amal Proyek "Proyek Smile" di Tokyo Dome, Jepang. Mereka berdua berdiri berdampingan di panggung resmi antara kedua negara sepanjang untuk pertama kalinya.

Kim Hyun Joong memulai api pembukaan "Proyek Smile". Kim Hyun Joong memulai "Proyek Smile" dengan bernyanyi "The Power of Smile" penuh semangat, sebuah lagu yang ditulis oleh produsen Jepang perwakilan Musik Komuro Tetsuya.

Setelah Kim Hyun Joong selesai lagunya, pada hari yang sama, kehadiran acara termasuk Hwanhee, Dae Guk Nam Ah, SHU-I, Joe Cheng, Kattun, Vaness Wu dll muncul di panggung satu per satu untuk menyapa para penggemar. Bae Yong Joon juga menghiasi kesempatan dengan kehadiran bersama-sama dengan santai.

Bae Yong Joon dan Kim Hyun Joong berdiri berdampingan untuk kali pertama bersama-sama, memberi kasih sayang pada kesempatan tersebut. Sejak Kim Hyun Joong dipindahkan ke lembaga (KEYEAST) dan membuat penampilan pertama, para penggemar Jepang telah menyebutnya "Little Yon-sama".

Keduanya muncul sebelumnya pukul 4:00 di sore hari,di JCB aula, untuk melanjutkan dengan sisi Event Charity berdampingan di atas panggung. Untuk acara amal, sebuah Sisa Foto telah diatur untuk para penggemar.Keduanya berdiri berdampingan bersama-sama, sehingga masing-masing penggemar memanggil penuh semangat "Ridha" (SS501 Leader) dan "Yong Joon" masing-masing, menunjukkan kasih mereka untuk mereka berdua.

"Proyek Smile" dan non-profit KnK bekerja sama dengan Kamboja, Filipina dll untuk memberikan kesejahteraan sosial bagi anak-anak kurang mampu di kawasan Asia. Bae Yong Joon, Kim Hyun Joong dan semua anggota lain dari pemain yang hadir dalam acara tersebut akan membuat sumbangan berharga milik mereka.


Bae YongJun. Kim HyunJoong, successful joint stage debut

The originator of Hallyu Star Bae Yong Joon and "Little Yon-sama" Kim Hyun Joong's first joint-stage has been successful. 30,000 fans from all parts of Asia cheered at Bae Yong Joon's gesture and applaud generously at Kim Hyun Joong's smile.

On the 14th at 6PM, Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong made their first appearance in front of the Japanese fans through DATV's Charity Project "Project Smile" at Tokyo Dome, Japan. The two of them stood side by side on the official stage between the two countries throughout for the first time.

Kim Hyun Joong started off the opening fire of "Project Smile". Kim Hyun Joong started off "Project Smile" by singing "The Power of Smile" passionately, a song composed by Japanese Music producer representative Komuro Tetsuya.

After Kim Hyun Joong finished his song, on the same day, attendance of the event include Hwanhee, Dae Guk Nam Ah, SHU-I, Joe Cheng, Kattun, Vaness Wu etc came up on the stage one by one to greet the fans. Bae Yong Joon also graced the occasion with his presence together with the rest.

Bae Yong Joon and Kim Hyun Joong stood side by side for the first time together, adding grace to the occasion. Ever since Kim Hyun Joong transferred to the agency (KEYEAST) and made his first apperance, the Japanese fans have been calling him "Little Yon-sama".

The two of them appeared earlier at 4PM in the afternoon, JCB hall, to proceed with the Charity Event side by side on the stage. For the charity event, a Photo Time was arranged for the fans. The two of them stood side by side together, causing each of the fans to call out excitedly "Rida" (SS501's Leader) and "Yong Joon" respectively, showing their love for the two of them.

"Project Smile" and non-profit KnK work hand in hand with Cambodia, the Philippines etc to provide social welfare for the Asia region's underprivileged children. Bae Yong Joon, Kim Hyun Joong and all other members of the cast who attended the event will be making donations of their prized possessions as well.

Source: nocutnews.co.kr
Korean-English Translation: Wonderrrgirl @ LoveKimHyunJoong.com
indo trans: rtss501.blogspot.com

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