Pak Baby ada ngomong sesuatu di FM singapura kemaren...
rasanya lebih tenang mendengar ini... dia bilang..
"Mengubah manajemen baru dan mengejar karier solo tidak berarti bahwa akan memisahkan SS501, Kami masih bersama dan masih sangat dekat dan kami ingin tampil bersama lagi sesegera mungkin.. Jadi, sementara kita masing-masing mengejar solo karir kita sendiri, kita masih mempersiapkan diri untuk mengadakan konser dan tampil bersama. "
huhuhu.. ga sabar rasanya melihat mereka bersama lagi...
Words by baby for ss501
Baby Word at interview in FM singapore!
Mr. Baby said something in FM singapore yesterday ...
These fears seemed calmer after hearing this ... he said
"Changing a new management and pursuing a solo career doesn't mean that SS501 is going to separate. We are still together and still very close and we want to perform together again as soon as possible. So while we each pursue our own solo careers, we are still preparing to hold a concert and perform together."
check the video:
alhamdulillah :D
BalasHapushuaa my hubby :D
senang nya..... :)