[20.05.2010] [2010.5월 20일]
Hello. This is DSP Media.
Group SS501 who has received much love through mini album 'Rebirth' released
last September with songs like "Love Like This", "Wasteland", "Only One Day"
will be having their comeback in the music world soon with brand new album "DESTINATION".
After successfully wrapping up their asia tour in the first half of the year,
SS501 who took 3 months to prepare for their new album
have been busily preparing for their comeback stages to perform with their new songs.
This album which has been ongoing as a 'world project' has had released some of its
album jacket pictorials which had been the talk of everyone since the beginning it
was released. With numerous Golden Discs holder from US, Steven Lee, who was also
involved in the previous [Rebirth] album production participating in this time round's
album, we could expect a universal album from Korea-Europe-US with the many
world-acclaimed musicians' involvement.
All the songs in this album will be accompanied by piano background arrangement,
and will minimize all possibilities of even more prevalence of the same electronic
genre in the music scene as of present. The beautiful melody of musical instruments
along with only SS501's pleasantly emotional voice will be seen in their upcoming new album
as they return to the scene this end-month.
Especially in the mixing of songs, it was done by US Pop star Ne-yo and Rihanna's
mix engineer producer Kevin KD Davis who's been accoladed with several Grammy awards,
as well as another producer Ken Lewis who's had achieved more than 50 golden discs,
thus increasing by another notch of this world-acknowledged audio album.
Title song has been chosen as 'Love Ya', for which its producer is none another than
Steven Lee, this song will be accompanied by harmonious orchestra band
along with piano background arrangement, you could feel the powerful vocals
of SS501 and their emotions injected into the impactful song praised to be
lined up as a large-scaled performance. US singer John Legend and Kayne West's engineer
producer Ken Lewis who's had
received the Grammy Awards before has personally
participated in the mixing of this song, thus yet again upgrading the quality and anticipation
of this album by another notch.
The first track 'Let me be the one' is a full R&B song composed by Andre Mieux, Steven Lee and
Sean Alexander who was also in charge of producing SS501's Love Like This,
it is a song that's able to further flaunt SS501's matured vocals. Mixing is done by Kevin Davis
who's produced many famous hits like Ne-yo's "So Sick", "Closer", "Because of you",
as well as the current Number 1 on BIllboard Chart -- Rihanna's "Rude Boy". In addition,
hot dance track "Crazy 4 U" which was already revealed previously during their Persona
Asia Tour and collated high popularity has also received invitations from fans
to be included into this album this time since it failed to in its last album (Rebirth).
The final track of their album is a song titled "Until Forever", all productions for this song
was done fully in England, in specific to be in Germany's Frankfurt,
this is a strong and influential European powered pop track finished on a huge production
scale, where its lyrics were written by SS501 member Heo YoungSaeng himself personally,
hence attracting attention.
Ss501's new album will be released on 27th May,
and is scheduled to have their first comeback stage through 4th June's KBS2-TV Music Bank~
More detailed information of their comeback schedule will be uploaded in the
Schedule-Room afterwards at a later date~
P.S) SS501 [Destination] Special Edition will begin its advanced preordering
through Yes24 on 24th May, 12:00 am, this shall be a possible chance for you to participate
in their fansign session.
Concrete information to their fansign session will be revealed around 24th May morning!!
Thank you.
[ DSP Media ]
indo trans:
Halo. Ini adalah Media DSP.
kelompok SS501 yang telah menerima banyak cinta melalui mini album 'Rebirth' yang dirilis September lalu dengan lagu-lagu seperti "love like this", "Wasteland", "only one day"
akan memiliki comeback mereka di dunia musik segera dengan merek album baru "DESTINATION".
Setelah berhasil membungkus tur asia mereka pada semester pertama tahun ini,
SS501 yang mengambil 3 bulan untuk mempersiapkan album baru mereka
telah sibuk mempersiapkan tahap comeback mereka untuk tampil dengan lagu-lagu baru mereka.
Ini album yang telah berlangsung sebagai proyek dunia 'telah dirilis beberapa perusahaan
album jaket pictorials yang telah menjadi pembicaraan semua orang sejak awal itu
dirilis. Dengan berbagai pemegang Golden Disc dari US, Steven Lee, yang juga
terlibat dalam produksi album Rebirth sebelumnya berpartisipasi dalam album kali ini, kita bisa mengharapkan sebuah album universal dari Korea-Eropa-AS dengan banyak
musisi diakui 'keterlibatannya di dunia.
Semua lagu dalam album ini akan disertai dengan pengaturan latar belakang piano,
dan akan meminimalkan segala kemungkinan prevalensi lebih yang sama dari genre elektronik di dunia musik pada saat ini. Melodi indah dari instrumen musik bersama dengan emosional suara lembut SS501's akan terlihat di album terbaru mereka saat mereka kembali ke scene akhir bulan ini.
Terutama dalam campuran lagu, hal itu dilakukan oleh bintang Pop AS Ne-yo dan Rihanna,
mix engineer produser Kevin KD Davis yang sudah accoladed dengan beberapa penghargaan Grammy, serta Ken Lewis produsen lain yang telah mencapai lebih dari 50 golden discs, sehingga meningkat oleh kedudukan lain dari album audio yang diakui dunia.
Judul lagu telah dipilih sebagai "Love Ya ', yang produsen adalah tidak lain dari
Steven Lee, lagu ini akan disertai oleh band orkes yang harmonis
bersama dengan pengaturan latar belakang piano, Anda bisa merasakan vokal kuat
dari SS501 dan emosi mereka disuntikkan ke lagu yang akan berdampak pujian pada garis pertunjukan skala besar. penyanyi US John Legend dan Kayne West engineer producer Ken Lewis yang telah menerima Penghargaan Grammy sebelum secara pribadi berpartisipasi dalam pencampuran dari lagu ini, sehingga lagi-lagi peningkatan kualitas dan antisipasi dari album ini dengan kedudukan lain.
Lagu pertama ''Let me be the one' adalah lagu penuh R & B yang dibuat oleh Andre Mieux, Steven Lee dan Sean Alexander yang juga bertugas memproduksi's SS501 love like this, itu adalah lagu yang dapat lebih memamerkan vokal SS501. Pencampuran dilakukan oleh Kevin Davis yang banyak menghasilkan hits terkenal seperti Ne-yo's "So Sick", "Closer", "Because of you", serta arus Nomor 1 di Billboard Chart - Rihanna's "Rude Boy". Selain itu, tarian panas lagu "Crazy 4 U" yang sudah diungkapkan sebelumnya selama Persona Tour Asia mereka dan susunan popularitas tinggi juga menerima undangan dari penggemar untuk dimasukkan ke dalam album ini saat ini karena gagal di album terakhirnya (Rebirth).
Lagu terakhir mereka adalah album lagu berjudul Until Forever", semua produksi untuk lagu ini dilakukan sepenuhnya di Inggris, khususnya untuk berada di Jerman Frankfurt, ini kuat dan berpengaruh pada lagu pop Eropa powered pada akhir produksi skala besar, mana lirik ditulis oleh anggota SS501 Heo YoungSaeng sendiri secara pribadi, maka menarik perhatian.
album baru SS501 akan dirilis pada tanggal 27 Mei,
dan dijadwalkan untuk tahap pertama mereka comeback melalui 4 Jun's KBS2-TV Music Bank ~
Informasi lebih lanjut tentang jadwal comeback mereka akan di-upload dalam
Schedule-Room setelah di kemudian hari ~
PS) SS501 [Destination] Edisi Khusus akan mulai preordering canggih
melalui Yes24 pada Mei 24, 12:00 am, ini akan menjadi kesempatan mungkin bagi Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam sesi fansign mereka.
informasi konser untuk sesi fansign mereka akan terungkap di pagi 24 Mei!
Terima kasih.
[Media DSP]
출처: ss501.dspenter.com + 영어로: ode @ ss501ode.bs.com
(u know what bs stands for), indo trans: rtss501.blogspot.com
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